
The Druk Journal contributes to Bhutan’s growth as a democracy and as a modern nation. It is a vibrant public space in which we encourage our contributors to expand our national discourse by introducing new ideas and concepts into the Bhutanese conversation. Through regular publications, an interactive website, and open discussions after each edition, we engage Bhutanese society in conversation so that all citizens can exchange open and frank views on national policies and issues relevant to Bhutan. The Druk Journal hopes, not only to inform citizens, but to build a community of people who will take an active role, as individuals and as a community, in the development of analytical attitudes toward national policies. It is our hope that participation in such a community will encourage individuals to engage in policy research that can be made available to the government and larger Bhutanese society. The Druk Journal thus serves as a vehicle for the development of a society which is concerned about national issues and wants to participate in the development of policy by thinking publicly and through conversation. Such a community of thinkers will also draw on the experience of other countries in those areas of political, social, economic and cultural experimentation that are relevant to our own concerns. The Druk Journal is a nonpartisan publication. Our purpose is to serve the national interest through the development of serious conversation on issues from every possible constructive point of view. We have no editorial position of our own. We believe that our stated objectives and the means we will use to achieve them are the best way in which we can serve our country and His Majesty The King. We invite all interested citizens and friends of Bhutan to join us. We wish you Good Reading, Good Thinking, and Good Conversation.

An Era of Transformation

Spring 2024 | Volume 10, Issue 1

Table of Contents



Bhutan in the World: Opportunities for Progress 
Tshering Lhamo, Philip Schellekens, and Tshoki Zangmo, UNDP

Bhutan’s Civil Service Reform: A Focus on the Future
From the Royal Civil Service Commission

Transforming Governance with Technology
Kezang Yuden, Niraj Koirala, Tshering Pema & Praneesha Acharya, GovTech Agency

Bhutan NDI Applications in Digital Governance and Economy
Pallavi Sharma

Gelephu Mindfulness City: Towards Promoting “Proximity in the Plural”
Katsu Masaki

Navigating Tomorrow: Transforming Bhutan through Technology and Human Capital
Namgyal T Gyaltshen

Transforming Thimphu
Jonathan Rose

Believing in a Vision
Dasho Kinley Dorji


A Short Take on Bhutan’s Economy
An interview with Joseph Stiglitz

A Journey in Economic Transformation: Why is an STI Economy Strategy Important for Bhutan?
Ujjwal Deep Dahal

Digital Economy: A Leapfrogging Opportunity for Bhutan
Calum Handforth and Tshoki Zangmo, UNDP

Mindfulness Tourism for Sustainable Prosperity
Dorji Dhradhul

Bhutan 2034: A New Era in Sustainable and Innovative Tourism
Carissa Nimah


Gyalsung – Towards a Productive Generation
Siok Sian Pek-Dorji

De-suung – Helping Society Function
By The Druk Journal with contribution from De-suung Skilling Programme and Colonel Sisir Chhetri

The Bhutan Baccalaureate: A Bhutanese Initiative
Tshering Nidup and Sonam Jattu

TVET System Reform to Tap the Potential of Bhutanese Workforce for the 21st Century Economy
Tenzin Choden

On Migration and National History: Reflections on and from the Youth
Yedzin W Tobgay

Youth Aspirations and Future in Bhutan’s Transformation
Dinh-Long and Kunzang Wangmo, UNDP

How Bhutanese Youth View the Vision for Transformation
Kesang Wangmo
